Workplace Strategy

3 Key Elements for Workplace Wellness Design

The CEO’s Cheat Sheet to Workplace ROI

The New Role of the Workplace

How Strategic Programming Leads to Customer Satisfaction: Kristen Peters, 300 N LaSalle

The Workplace Experience Revolution: Designing for Four Generations in One Office

How the Workplace is Solving Tech Talent Turnover

Innovation is Workplace Flexibility
If you’ve read our previous piece on the workplace and the wage puzzle, you’ll know that a workplace that addresses the needs of employees can be part of a larger competitive compensation package. But did you know that, according to a recent Work Environment Survey conducted by Capital One, 79% of full-time office professionals believe that in order for companies to encourage innovation they need to have an innovative environment?

The New Rule for Closing Top Job Candidates
Location, location, location. It’s not just a real estate catchphrase. When it comes to closing your next Vice President or Account Director, selling a lifestyle can be just as important as the offer package and your company’s culture. And selling a lifestyle all comes down to one thing: the location of your workplace.