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Embracing change allows you to grow and unlock your potential in new, exciting ways. Becoming an agent of change brings that tantalizing potential for success to your coworkers and the workplace too.

What Is An Agent of Change?

An agent of change facilitates a transformational set of goals, processes or technologies in their workplace community. These transformative new ideas can motivate, catalyze and inspire you and your co-workers to have positive, compelling results. As an active agent, it’s on you to implement the strategies that effect change, to control that change and to help people adapt to it.

How do you know if you’re wired to be an agent of change? In his bestselling book The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell noted that most agents of change have a clear vision, are patient yet persistent, are curious and ask tough questions, are knowledgeable and lead by example and have strong relationships built on trust.

Looking for a Roadmap to Enact Change?

  1. Choose your cause. Explore the current operations of your workplace — what can benefit from new attention and inventiveness? From there, design, create, test and then improve your new project. There are great resources available online to hone the practices that will make your efforts successful, including an article from govloop.
  2. Make your process collaborative and communicative. Change can’t be for the benefit of one — it has to come from the needs of a group. It’s a good idea to convene with your coworkers and other community members to collaborate on the vision and goals, so the workplace transformation you envision will benefit the largest group possible.
  3. Be sure to build support for your cause. The idea of change is uncomfortable to some — but there will also be many that are excited by the notion of a new, interesting avenue. Find a group that believes in what you’re doing. With support on your side, those who were hesitant to jump on board will likely come around.
  4. Open up a dialogue. Particularly when it comes to building support, it’s important to have a strong platform that’s accessible and inviting to all. Communicate your vision and demonstrate through actions, and then open up the floor to feedback from your colleagues. You’ll be delighted by the insightfulness of others’ commentary, and the positive effect it can have on the success of a campaign when you respond.
  5. When testing and improving your new project, create a track record and share it with others. It’s crucial to produce, demonstrate and track the success of your efforts in order to constantly evaluate and improve. This constant loop of analysis keeps momentum strong and further fuels excitement and support, even when you hit snags, slowdowns or disappointments.
  6. Finally, make change normal. The true mark of successful change is that it’s no longer viewed as a change, but becomes accepted into the fold of everyday workplace function. 

Being an agent of change demands challenging, engaged work. But for the right person, this is the work that’s the most exciting, engaging and rewarding.

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