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Year after year, we make resolutions and struggle to keep them. Dawn Hanson, General Manager at 71 South Wacker’s KINETIC Fitness Center, proposes a new New Year’s tradition: the Anti-Resolution Solution. 

Making An Anti-Resolution

The Anti-Resolution Solution is a replacement for the traditional New Year’s resolution, in which a person resolves to adopt a new behavior or accomplish a personal goal. “We came up with the idea of the anti-resolution after experiencing 2020. As a company, we didn’t feel it was reasonable to ask ‘one more thing’ of people,” Hanson says. 

Instead of adding more things to do or strive for, ask instead: what would you like to say goodbye to in 2021? What do you feel takes time away from things that matter to you — from bad habits to bad mindsets? “Let go of the need to get it all done now. Like for example, instead of the stress of cooking dinner, give yourself permission to grab takeout once or twice a week and support a local business. It’s a win-win,” advises Hanson. 

Prioritizing Well-being in 2021

With the Anti-Resolution Solution, KINETIC invites customers to step back and consider how they can best prioritize their well-being. This is the year to leave perfectionism behind and to toss aside the perceived need for drastic change. Instead, prioritize your time and wellness by setting aside things that can wait, saying “no” when necessary and focusing on one small actionable habit at a time. 

“Change doesn’t happen overnight but anti-resolutions are a valuable exercise that allow us to look at the big picture and see what needs adjustments. We’re asking people to take inventory of their well-being and see what areas warrant attention — whether physical, social, emotional or financial. Through this practice, we can identify the small things we need to let go of,” says Hanson. 

Maybe that’s saying “no” to worry, putting an end to prioritizing others above yourself or wasting less time on social media. At Irvine Company, our KINETIC fitness teams are here to help guide customers through finding their perfect Anti-Resolution Solution. 

Have questions about making or following through with your Anti-Resolution Solution? You can reach out to Dawn and the KINETIC team at [email protected] to chat — or make a scheduled appointment at the fitness center once they reopen.

“The Anti-Resolution Solution is just one way we’ve pivoted to provide flexible tools for customers, and there will be more to come in 2021,” promises Hanson. “KINETIC has always been and will continue to be there to meet the needs of building customers.”

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