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With the New Year approaching, we revisit the age-old tradition of making resolutions. Studies show that more than 40% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions, but 25% of us give up by January 7 and only 8% end up seeing those resolutions through all twelve months. How do those eight-percent manage it?

The new decade is symbolic not only of a fresh slate and the time to make new resolutions; it is also an opportunity to break old habits and adopt the practice of mindful resolution-making. 

Making Mindful Resolutions

There is a difference between making goals versus making resolutions. Goals are oftentimes quantitative in nature, requiring us to reach a certain numeric milestone in order to feel that we have accomplished what we set out to do (such as lose 20 pounds, exercise 4 times per week, close 15% more deals than last year, read 1 hour per day, etc.). Ultimately, goals are about short term results while resolutions focus on the long game.

A successful resolution should be qualitative (things like practice better workplace communication, become more organized). Taking numbers out of the equation not only allows your resolutions the opportunity to breathe, but it also allows them to feel more personal. Rather than chasing after improved metrics, you can focus your mindset on improving yourself and the way you operate. 

A promising resolution is about the process of its pursuit over the end-goal. The most powerful resolutions we make are ones that allow us to initiate new habits, whether these habits be daily, weekly or even monthly. Establishing these habits allows you to create a system that allows for future, continued success that goes beyond what a quantitative goal would have allowed.

These workplace resolutions can be made individually, as a team or even company-wide. Resolutions can be focused on a shared initiative, on a personal vision, on a project or on your role in the workplace or on a component of company culture overall. Though the possibilities are limitless, with the best resolution-making practice, you aim to keep your list of resolutions short and manageable. 

Putting your energy this New Year into a small handful of strong resolutions will ensure that you set yourself up for success that will reach well beyond the year ahead.

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