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To unlock the full benefits of outdoor workspace, your team needs to fully engage with this space– and this starts with you. As a leader in your organization, your daily choices set an important precedent for how space can be utilized. When you take a 10-minute beak outside, your employees are empowered to do the same. Here’s what to do.

Just 10 minutes of “green exercise” boosts mental health.

The Change

Add a “walking meeting” option to your calendar. Instead of scheduling a brainstorming session in the conference room, take your team for a stroll.

The Pay-Off

Time in nature enhances memory recall and concentration, clearing the way for fresh ideas.

Adults who sit 10 hours a day have a 34% higher mortality rate.

The Change

Challenge your team to hit a daily step goal on outdoor walking trails. Use this challenge as a fundraiser to support a local non-profit that reflects your company’s values.

The Pay-Off

On-site fitness opportunities like a walking group can boost camaraderie, cooperaion and respect.

Stress costs businesses as much as $300 billion annually in lost productivity.

The Change

Take a midday mental break by a calming water feature or start a weekly outdoor yoga practice. Invite team leaders across your company to join.

The Pay-Off

Outdoor breaks reduce anxious thinking, boosting productivity and engagement.

Only 15% of employees say their companies communicate well.

The Change

Create opportunities for communication outside the traditional office. Turn lunch into a company-wide affair with a weekly BBQ or host a monthly “happy hour wind down” around the fire pit.

The Pay-Off

Talk isn’t cheap. Conversations are the lifeblood fo office relationships and the “casual collisions” that catalyze innovation.

Research the Benefits

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